Homework Procedures

Homework in Year Five
In Five Navy homework is distributed on Fridays and returned to school the following Friday.  This allows families to have extra time over the weekend to complete Homework activities and we hope reduce the pressure of completing Homework during the week with our busy schedules. 
All year five students are expected to complete the following activities each week:
  • READING: Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.  Books can be borrowed from the school library, local public library or be books you already have at home.  You can also the local newspaper to read with your child.  It is important to make a time during the week to listen to your child read aloud.  This helps to ensure students remain fluent and expressive readers.  It also provides an opportunity for you to check your child's comprehension.  Here are some comprehension ideas:  Ask your child to give you a summary of what they have read, ask them to meaning of new words by encouraging them to use the context of the text, ask your child to describe the character in the text and how the are feeling in different situations.
  • MATHS: Practise the weekly number facts.  These facts should be practised each night in their homework exercise books. Students are tested on their quick and accurate recall on Friday mornings with Mrs Wetkin.
  • SPELLING: Each week students will have 10 spelling words to learn for their weekly spelling tests.  Students should use the Look, Cover, Write, Spell, Unit strategy to practise their spelling words each week in their homework books.  Spelling tests are on Friday mornings with Mrs Wetkin.
If your child is experiencing any difficulties with any of the homework sent home please encourage them to ask Mrs Wetkin or Mrs Di Raimondo for assistance at the beginning of the school day.  All homework in year five is revision of previous learning and students should be able to complete all tasks independently or with minimal support.
All homework should be well presented with neat Queensland Modern Cursive handwriting.